There is nothing better than salt in the air and sand in my hair (what's left of it).

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Common Sense?

Obviously I don’t have any.  Woke up this morning with a tickle in my throat and completely clogged sinuses.   No way was I going today.   Then, while taking the dogs out, I made the mistake of looking at the buoys.  Same as yesterday!  All of a sudden I felt good enough to hit it.  Got down to the sand when it was still dark, but as I was getting ready I noticed it was markedly smaller than yesterday.  So I stood there for 10 minutes looking at it and then that one set came through that convinced me to paddle out.  So I paddled out at 6:10 and immediately caught a decent chest high zipper.  Cool, I thought to myself, it might turn out to be an OK morning.  WRONG - everything that followed couldn't come close to that first wave.   A nice little set came through for the picture taking part of the ritual though.

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