There is nothing better than salt in the air and sand in my hair (what's left of it).

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Felonious Mopery On The Beach!

This is a true story about Dave the enforcer.
So I get down to the beach in the dark, as usual, and after waxing my board I start to walk away from my bike. And then I thought "it's spring break, we might get some kooks (or worse) down on the beach". So I locked my bike for a change. That was a good thing because when Dave got to the beach he saw a guy going through my backpack. When the guy saw Dave he put the backpack down and started dragging my bike through the sand. Once he realized it was locked, he ditches my bike and goes for Jeff's bike! Dave approached the guy and says "Hey that's not your bike!" and proceeds to perform a citizen's arrest. By then Fred has arrived and they make him empty his pockets and then look through his wallet. The guy's name is Stephen Berry. In the end Dave let him go and put our bikes back where they were. I snagged a photo of this douche on FB and Dave confirmed this is the Stephen Berry that tried to steal our bikes, he lives in San Clemente:
As for the surf this morning. We had some chest high sets every now and again. Glassy conditions and a mellow vibe in the water. :-)

Thanks again Dave.

Probably shoulda done a floater over that section

PSA - It's always good to limber up before you start shralping:

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