There is nothing better than salt in the air and sand in my hair (what's left of it).

Thursday, February 4, 2016

I See The Light

If you can believe this it took us 10 days after my lovely wife broke her leg to get her into surgery. Three days to find out it was actually broken (there's a whole story here), four more days to get the proper X-rays, a CT scan, a doctors report and then pre-authorization. And then three more days to get into the surgeon's queue.

Surgery to clean things up and install three screws was last Thursday and she did extraordinarily well even though the 2 hour surgery turned out to be 4 hours. She was off pain meds within 4 days and is now focusing on PT/OT and the healing process. She has nine weeks of no load bearing on that leg to look forward to but she's getting around pretty much on her own already. Post-op tomorrow.
If you want to test your marriage, spend two weeks together while one of you is in pain and almost 100% dependent on the other. Needless to say we passed the test.

Anyway, it looks like I'll be able to surf again starting this weekend. Whoo Hoo!

And something new is coming my way. An old school twin fin fish, hand shaped by Manuel Caro using state of the art materials. Carbon Microlight: EPS core vacuum-bagged with carbon fiber cloth and epoxy resin. #mandalacustomshapes #swallowtailsociety

I'm super stoked on this board, can't wait till it gets here.

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