There is nothing better than salt in the air and sand in my hair (what's left of it).

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Monday 10-30-2023

Lucked out on an afternoon session that was pretty damn fun. The plan it to get down there tomorrow too. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Friday's Go Out

 Had a bout of bursitis on my elbow and then got the flu. So, I took it easy and longboarded since it was pretty small. Sat in the bay (Steve's spot) and picked off the ones that went wide. It was a beautiful sun shinny day until I got out and the fog moved in. 


A little bit of scum ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Monday, July 31, 2023

Steve Murakami Paddle Out

So, last Saturday we had a paddle out for one of the regulars at uppers, Steve Murakami. Steve passed away in June. He was always parked in the bay waiting for the ones that swing wide. It was an amazing day Saturday. Balmy calm morning with 3'-5' waves peeling through. The bay had some really good waves pushing through in tribute to our brother Steve.  Steve's wife and daughter joined us on the beach for the ceremony. 

Steve always had a smile on his face and was stoked to paddle out in anything. Many times, I was ready to go up dry and he would convince me to paddle out anyway. Never regretted it. Well, almost never๐Ÿ˜. He was very dedicated to his wife and daughter; they were his absolute #1 priority. 

I will miss him the rest of my life. 

Steve on a bay wave

Dave, Mark, Greg, Casey and me

Steve's Daughter


Uppers Crew

Friday, July 21, 2023

Yesterday's Slow Motion Surfing

Trying to get back into this riding waves thing. Small, weak and glassy at first, but the wind got on it after an hour or so. Gonna be longboarding until I get my sea legs back.